Best vpn unlimited
Best vpn unlimited


It does not associate your online activities with your account, email, device or IP address. KeepSolid VPN has a zero-logs policy, which means it does not keep logs of your online activity. In addition, KeepSolid uses various VPN protocols to establish a secure tunnel between the browser and the endpoint and uses an AES-256 protocol to encipher all browser traffic. These three are some of the top ones out there, preventing third parties from detecting and getting access to your online activities. KeepSolid uses OpenVPN, IKEv2 and WireGuard, systems that help to ensure your VPN connection is secure. Split tunneling helps users conserve internet speed while using a VPN. It enables you to have two simultaneous connections, allowing you to direct some of your online traffic through a VPN tunnel while directing the rest through an open network connection. Split tunneling is a specialized feature that some VPN companies such as KeepSolid include in their services.


Its kill switch is available only for Android 8 or higher, Windows, macOS or iOS devices. KeepSolid VPN offers a kill switch-disconnecting your internet connection if your VPN connection drops and protecting your online activity from third parties. It also provides additional utility when you’re accessing sensitive information such as your online banking account, which may lock you out of your account if you try to access it from an unknown IP address or location. In short, a dedicated IP address keeps you from being blocked from certain sites due to nefarious behavior from someone else who’s sharing the same IP address through the VPN. Having one is considered a must-have for sensitive work-related uses because you’ll be able to have a secure IP address all to yourself. You can purchase a dedicated IP address as an add-on, a common feature for business VPN plans. To activate this feature, you will need to purchase a plan directly from VPN Unlimited and not through one of its partners.


It also allows users to block websites or website categories, such as ones with multiple pop-up windows or adult content. The DNS firewall will ensure that you’re not connecting to internet locations that are known to be malicious and ensure your device won’t be infected. All of this enables you to browse the internet securely and anonymously. The company has a no-logs policy, which means it does not store your online activity, user history, time on the internet or login information. KeepSolid VPN hides your real IP address, making it virtually impossible to trace your online activities and searches. From anonymous browsing to a dedicated IP address, these features provide an extra layer of privacy, let you access foreign websites and provide secure connections for transferring sensitive information. KeepSolid VPN offers a host of top-notch features that help keep your identity hidden while browsing the internet.

Best vpn unlimited